The Royal New South Wales Lancers

The Museum

Audio Guide Available

Lancer Barracks and Museum are open almost every Sunday 1000 - 1600 hrs (last entry 1445).  
  The next opening will be: Sunday 16 February 2025.
Contact free payment is available and preferred on-site at the Museum, pre-payment can be made online.
Do note that  FREE PARKING  is usually available on-site. ENTRY via SMITH op DARCY Streets.

Vehicle Movement DisplayLancer Barracks and Museum can also be opened on other days for specially booked tours subject to Defence approval and subject to special pricing. Special school visits can also be booked. Contact free payment is available and preferred at the Museum, pre-payment can be made online.

Terms and Conditions - Visits to Lancer Barracks and Museum (includes pricing).

ONLINE Contact Free Payment Booking - Sunday Visits.

Book for Group Tour (any day with the option of contact free payment).

Book for a School Visit.

TANK DAYS Last Sunday of the month.

FREE PARKING is usually available on site. ENTRY via SMITH op DARCY Streets.

The Museum Linden House

 The Museum  

Patron: Brigadier Phillip Bridie AM

The Regimental Museum of the 1st/15th Royal New South Wales Lancers was commenced in 1957 in a single room in historic Lancer Barracks. After a few years the collection had filled the room and was still growing, creating the need for a separate museum building. Many colourful and interesting relics are now being preserved in the Museum. They include uniforms (some of which date from last century), equipment, saddlery, weapons, photographs, paintings, banners, trophies, etc. The kettle drums and banners used when the Regiment's Band was horsed are included as is the King's Banner awarded to the Regiment for its South African War Service. This site offers a MUSEUM TOUR.

Adjacent Linden House are a Covanter Bridge Layer, a Matilda 3 inch howitzer tank, and Bren Gun carrier from World War II, a Staghound armoured car, Ferret scout car, and Centurion main battle tank, all of which were used to equip the Regiment.

It should be noted that the Museum is an incorporated association of past members of the Lancers and others dedicated to preserving the history. The property is vested in this association.

The re-erection of Linden House has achieved two objects, it preserved one of Parramatta's oldest buildings and provided a fitting home for Australia's oldest regimental museum. In keeping with the origin of the Regiment itself, it is the product of the voluntary efforts of ordinary Australian citizens devoted to preserving relics which illustrate our history and traditions.

The ground on which the Museum stands is owned by the Australian Government, however, all costs have to be raised by private sources. Donations are gratefully appreciated, those over $2 (AU) are tax deductible (in Australia).

 Linden House go to top of page

The building now known as Linden House can be described as a classic example of early Australian architecture. It originally stood in Macquarie Street about 500 metres from the barracks. A two storey building of sandstone, it was completed by 1828.

It was first used by the School of Industry, teaching domestic arts to the daughters of the needy. During the 1830s, it became quarters for some of the officers of the garrison. About 1840 it reverted to school use. The last school in it continued up until 1919, during this time the name "Linden House" came into use. In more recent times the building served various purposes, including that of an RSL club. The property was bought up by the AMP society in 1963, and generously given to the Royal New South Wales Lancers Association for preservation and as a site for the Museum. Stone by stone removal to the present site followed.

The exterior is the original stone used in the building re-dressed during re-erection. The doors, windows and internal joinery are replicas. The fanlight over the front door is original. An annexe built nearby serves as a storeroom and workshop.

The building was dedicated on 1 March 1981 as a memorial to members of the New South Wales Lancers, South Africa, 1899-1902, 1st Light Horse Regiment AIF, Gallipoli-Sinai-Palestine, 1914-1918, 1st Armoured Regiment (RNSWL) AIF, New Guinea-Borneo 1939-1945.

© New South Wales Lancers Memorial Museum Incorporated ABN 94 630 140 881; Linden House, Lancer Barracks, 2 Smith Street, PARRAMATTA, AUSTRALIA
Postal Address: PO Box 7287, PENRITH SOUTH NSW 2750, AUSTRALIA; Telephone: +61 (0)405 482 814 Email:
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